Let’s Play Ball!!!

This past week has been a rough week for the Athey family. My husband enrolled to take Sign Language Interpreting classes at a local College near our home. This past week was his first week. As some of my readers may know, my husband and I decided very early on in our relationship that when we had children, that I would stay home with them. This decision has made it a little challenging for us financially, and my husband has had to take on extra work to make it all work out. His current job is a little demanding on time, and he works about 45-50 hours a week 6 days out of the week. The decision to start school on top of that unfortunately did not come with opportunity to cut back. So now he is working as well as taking classes 2 nights a week. This made for a long week without daddy, and our children were probably affected the most.
The intense week without daddy ended on Friday evening. When Timothy arrived home that night, he was excitedly greeted at the door by our 3 year old daughter, but our son, who is two was the opposite. He completely withdrew himself from daddy and hid behind the dining room table. When I finally brought him in and placed him in daddy’s lap he began to cry. I could see anger and hurt in his little eyes. I tried first to walk away and see if he would warm up to him, but that only made the situation worse.
After I picked him up and held him a while, he did finally settle down and we ate supper.
After supper we went through our nightly routine that we try to often keep. We went into the living room, pulled the afghan off the back of the couch, unfolded it and layed it on the floor. Then our whole family sat down on the blanket together to do what we like to call “Family Devo Time” or “Family Bible Time.”
Usually this process consists of, first off, singing a few songs. This particular night it was “Deep and Wide”, “I’ve got the joy, joy, joy down in my heart” and our family favorite of “The B.I.B.L.E!” Then we pray, and daddy teaches us some truths out of Gods word. We end again with a few more songs, one being our family song of “God is so Good.”
After we closed in prayer, we put our Bible and blanket away and took out a little red ball. Then for about 30-45 minutes we all just sat around the living room throwing this ball around and enjoying each other’s company. Then we ended the night with our usual goodnight kisses and prayer.
I didn’t think much of this night, as an adult it felt like we really didn’t do much. I learned this morning that to our kids it meant the world.
As I was getting ready this morning, my 3 year old daughter came in the room and reminded me of the evening. She said this to me.
“So mom, after supper we got out the blanket, and we had “family Devo time!” And then we played ball! It was beautiful!”
These words, coming for my little daughters mouth, hit me to the heart! Our simple act of time with them meant everything! It meant so much, that she described it as “Beautiful!”
Are you giving your kids “beautiful” moments of your time? They need you!
Another note: after that evening, our son began to cling to daddy, and has been attached to him the entire weekend. He is all he wants 🙂

Hubby’s challenge day 3

Today marks day three of my Facebook fast. Today was probably the best day. We got to spend the evening with Timothy at the park. It was a blast! 🙂 We played on the playground, caught a frog by the pond and took a nice long walk. It felt amazing!
So, as to my fast, the extra things I accomplished in my spare time were that I read a few more chapters in my book, I looked over our finances, I practiced a few songs, I completed my fitness pal log, and I blogged! Woohoo! Those are a lot of things I’ve been wanting to do, but never really find a lot of time for.
Well, thank you for reading my short little ramble! Have a blessed night and enjoy my pictures!





A Rough Start

So I decided to go back to where I left off in my life story…
So after I was born, my mom continued to stay with my grandparents for a while and my dad would come visit us on occasion. I am unsure of all the details of my early childhood years, but I will tell you the bits I’ve been told and what I can remember.
My earliest memory as a child was my sister carrying me around and putting me in her doll stroller. She was 3 years older than me, and considered me her live baby doll. I also remember a random memory of us getting a little black dog when I was a toddler. Other than that, most of my memories begin around the age of about 4 years old.

I believe my moms main reason for leaving my dad and returning to the states was because she didn’t feel ready to settle down and be married. She told me that she married my dad so she could escape her family life at home, and have a fresh start. Truthfully she was still just a young girl inside who was not ready to grow up.
Sometime after I was born she met a man named Dave, who she began a relationship with. After some time she found herself pregnant yet again. When I was about two, my younger brother David was born.
To be continued….

Hubby’s challenge day 2

So today is day 2 of my month away from Facebook. It has been another good day. I was able to read 1/4 of one book and start another one. One of the books that I’m reading is called “The Ministry of Motherhood.” By Sally Clarkson. It has been a huge blessing. The focus on the book is embracing motherhood as a ministry to your children, and how to disciple them for Christ. This has been a blessing and a challenge to focus on the Spirituality of my children.

Hubby’s challenge day 1

So this morning my hubby and I got to talking and he told me he would like me to give up Facebook for a little while. He made this personal decision a few weeks ago because he is starting school and will be very busy. He did not want anything stealing his time away from what is most important to him. He expressed to me this morning that he really was hoping that I would have followed suit. I was reluctant.
I’m not really sure why I didn’t. I knew he would have liked me to, but it had a hold on me, and I really didn’t want to give it up. I knew deep down though, that he was right. So I asked him how long I should do. His response was at least a good solid month.
So today starts my journey of giving up Facebook yet again. It is silly that something as insignificant as a social media site can have such a hold on me, but sadly it does. I did, however, survive my first day! In fact, I actually really enjoyed it! I accomplished a lot 🙂
Today I finished a book that I was working on, took my kids to the library and played with them, had a nice nap, and spent the evening with a good friend of mine. I was able to focus on my children more and also blogged! So all in all, I feel like it was a great day!
Hopefully this time away will be a time of reflection and growth, and a time to accomplish those little things that always get put on the back burner! Well, I thought I would share my challenge with y’all, and hopefully I can try to update throughout the month on what I learn! Goodnight and God bless!





When did God’s Blessings become a Curse?

“And they blessed Rebekah, and said unto her, Thou art our sister, be thou the mother of thousands of millions, and let thy seed possess the gate of those which hate them.” Genesis 24:60
There was a time in history where children really were considered a blessing from The Lord. A time in fact, where the more children you had the more blessed you were. The Bible says that children and grandchildren are a crown to a father.
I know this passage sounds crazy right??? Who in there right mind would want thousands of millions of kiddos running around???? (Some of you at times may feel like you already have them! lol) but this was a for real prayer they prayed over Rebekah!!!
This passage speaks about her children possessing the gates of those which hate them, what does this mean exactly??? Well for one, they were going to take up the inheritance of Abraham who abided in a different country from his natives. I also believe it has a very real spiritual meaning behind it as well.
The Bible speaks of children as a “heritage of The Lord,” and as “arrows are in the hand of a mighty man.” (Psalm 127) think about it like this; We Christians are fighting a Spiritual battle with the Flesh and the Devil. When we play team sports it’s obvious that a team with more active players would be stronger right? That’s why we try to divide them up evenly. Well our Children are our team players, our rulers of our gate. They fight with us for Christ! They are given to us to help us fight off the devil.
When we think of our children in this light, (God’s light) it will really change us and how we view and raise them.
Do you think of your children as a blessing given to God to assist you in a Spiritual battle? Or do you think of them as an inconvenience or weight holding you back from God’s best??? How does your parenting reflect this??? Are you sending them off to be occupied by entertainment and such so that you can focus on the important things of life?? (Money, work, ministry….etc) Or are they right with you on the front lines helping you fight? (Learning and growing)
This is the foundation for some of our decisions we personally have made as parents. For example, the obvious, not to prevent God from blessing our family with however many children He desires. (We have chosen not to practice ANY form of birth control) This major decision (which we did not take lightly) as well as others, such as not owning a TV, dress standards, music standards, guarding who our children spend time with, and many other decisions as well.
I would like you to consider these things today. Have you slipped into the worlds mode of thinking? Are you viewing your children in light of God’s word or in light of your own feelings and desires? Turn your desires over to God and allow Him to bless you.


There is Power in your Words

image“Let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth, but that which is good to the use of edifying, that it may minister grace unto the hearers. And grieve not the Holy Spirit of God, whereby ye are sealed unto the day of redemption. Let all bitterness and wrath, and anger, and clamour, and evil speaking, be put away from you, with all malice: And be ye kind one to another, tender hearted, forgiving one another, even as God for Christ’s sake hath forgiven you.” Ephesians 4:29-32
A few months ago I posted a post entitled, “Mommy I’m Listening.” Where I began to share a battle that I have been facing regarding my daughter. The truth is, this battle is not really with my daughter, but rather a spiritual battle within my heart.
For many years, since my children were born I have developed a very bad habit of tearing them down. It isn’t something I do directly to them, but something I do with my adult friends. I excuse it off as “seeking advice” or “sharing struggles”. Truthfully I am tearing them down and pointing out all their faults.
I began doing this long before I thought my babies could even understand what I was saying, but then I never really break the habit. The way I speak of my mothering experience makes it sound so drudging and so weighty. My words are filled with discontentment and distain.
Yesterday I felt my heart cry out to God. “Help me Lord!” It was an involuntary cry, one which stems from a very grieved spirit within me. I’m not sure if you have ever felt this type of cry before, it’s one of those with which you feel when Gods word pierces your heart due to a sinful struggle.
When this happened I felt the urge to make a commitment to God. Something like “I will never speak negatively about my children again unless I’m truthfully asking advice.” Somehow, I think if I commit it to God then I won’t struggle anymore, but truthfully I know it won’t be that easy.
How do I really give this issue to God? So often as Christians we lay something down at the feet of Christ, only to pick it back up again sometime in the future. This though, I know will have many harmful lasting effects in the lives and hearts of my children. I don’t want my children feeling inadequate or discouraged bc I’m unhappy with them. I want to be an encouraging mom, one who tells them, “it’s ok, don’t get discouraged, God will help you through this and so will I.”
It doesn’t matter if your child is only a tiny baby or a 15 year old. Our words can and do have a lasting effect on their life. Your words have power to make or break their spirit and their relationship with Christ. My prayer is that these verses become real in my life. Please pray for me about this issue. Thank you all for reading my blog.